Title sounds seriously, isn’t it? Well, disease, which I’m writing about is worst than every illness, complaint and disorder, connected together. It’s a creator of every suffering and pain in the world, that killed many people, but...
As children we are, seemingly, defenseless in the world around us. We want to have fun and laugh. Condition of our bank account does not matter to us (breaking the piggy bank is associated with a moment of joy and the goal is often to buy some toy...
People say that realistic thinking together with reasonable action, will give you what you want.
Well, Zig Ziglar said:
If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time
I do not have much experience in writing, but I let myself to write down the helpful principles, a kind of guide for me. I hope that they also come in handy to you.
I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. W tłumaczeniu – w naszym niemal każdym życiowym wydarzeniu, sytuacji możemy wybierać pomiędzy miłością lub strachem. Tak uważa Oprah Winfrey –...